Acquisition of land for public works

Notices of Requirement have been lodged with Auckland Council to protect the land required for the following projects.

Contact us to find out if your property is affected, and if so, how you can have your property acquired early.



Airport to Botany Rapid Transit

North West Transport Network

Warkworth to Wellsford Motorway

Grimshaw & Co is a leading law firm with expertise in property disputes and litigation. We assist owners affected by land acquisition under the Public Works Act. Our objective is to ensure you receive fair compensation for your land, at a time that suits you.

Whether the public works project is still in the planning stages or formal steps have already been taken to acquire your land, Grimshaw & Co provides sound advice on your rights under both the Public Works Act and the Resource Management Act. We will help you navigate through the legal process.

Grimshaw & Co understands the process of having your land acquired can be a stressful and emotional experience. We offer services designed to make the process as smooth and stress-free as possible. These services include advising you on the timing of the acquisition, recommending expert valuers to assess full market value, and negotiating with the acquiring authority to achieve the best possible outcome. If required, Grimshaw & Co will represent you in the Environment Court and/or Land Valuation Tribunal.

In most cases the legal fees will be covered by the authority undertaking the public work. This means you have the peace of mind of knowing that you have expert legal representation without having to worry about financial burdens.

At Grimshaw & Co, our focus is on achieving the best possible outcome for our clients. We understand the legal complexities involved in land acquisition cases. With Grimshaw & Co on your side, you can be confident that you are in good hands.

Grimshaw & Co是具有房地产争议及诉讼专业知识及相关经验的顶级律所。我们协助因公共工程法下受土地收购影响的业主。我们的目标是确保您能够在适合您的时间内,就被收购的土地得到合理的赔偿。

无论公共工程项目仍处于计划阶段亦或收购您的土地的正式流程已经开始,Grimshaw & Co都可以按照公共工程法和资源管理法所保障的您的权力,给您提供合理的法律建议。我们将帮助您进行相关的法律程序。

Grimshaw & Co了解土地被收购的过程充满压力和情绪波动。我们为您提供的法律服务,旨在让一过程尽可能的顺利和轻松。我们的服务包括向您建议收购时间,推荐评估专家来评估完整的市场价格,以及与收购土地的政府协商以达成最佳的成果。如有需要,Grimshaw & Co也可以在环境法庭和/或土地评估裁判所做您的法律代理。


在Grimshaw & Co,我们专注于为客户争取最佳成果。我们通晓在土地收购案中所涉及的复杂法律问题。有Grimshaw & Co帮助您,您可以放心您的土地收购过程将得到专业妥善的指导。
