Cyclone Gabrielle, Floods and Landslides
Many people have been affected by the extreme weather events of early 2023 which caused significant damage to land and properties.
Grimshaw & Co has provided legal advice to property owners to help them through the process of dealing with EQC, insurers, building consultants and the Council. It has also assisted owners of Category 3 properties assess their options under the voluntary buy-out processes.
Our team can advise you on:
What to do if your property has been categorised, red-stickered or you are waiting for an assessment
How to put yourself in the strongest position to negotiate with insurers/EQC, Councils and other property owners
Any claims that may arise from damage to land and property
Expert engineers or building consultants who can assist with assessments and remedial work
Government/Council buy-out processes
The obligations of bodies corporate under the Unit Titles Act
How groups of owners affected by large landslides can effectively lobby authorities and formulate solutions
Hawkes Bay cyclone buy-out – the Napier and Hastings City Councils have put in place voluntary buy-out processes for anyone who has a residential dwelling on a property that is Category 3. Where there is a larger and/or mixed-use property with a dwelling, a relocation grant is available. These offers will be based on market value as at 13 February 2023, before the cyclone occurred. Council will reimburse property owners for professional valuation and legal advice received prior to the offer (up to $5,000 excl GST) and legal costs related to finalising the Sale and Purchase Agreement and conveyancing costs (up to $5,000 excl GST). Further information can be found here
Auckland flood / landslides buy-out and financial support – the Auckland Council has agreed to a buy-out process for Category 3 properties with a residential dwelling. The Council will pay a one-off contribution of $5,000 towards professional fees such as valuation and/or legal advice. If your home is Category 2P, the Council will provide financial support to help owners mitigate future risk to life at their property. Further information can be found here
Read here for 5 tips for dealing with landslip and cyclone / flood events.
At Grimshaw & Co we understand how devastating these events have been. We can help you navigate the legal issues so you can move forward with confidence and peace of mind.