North Auckland Transport Network (Albany to Orewa): Owner Options
Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency are collaborating on the “Supporting Growth” programme. The purpose of this programme is to investigate and plan transport projects to support long term urban growth in the Auckland region.
The Supporting Growth programme includes the North Auckland Strategic Transport Network. This is a network of 13 transport projects between Albany and Orewa designed to support future urban growth in Silverdale, Dairy Flat, Wainui and Orewa. This area is expected to accommodate 41,000 new homes, 22,000 new jobs and 110,000 new residents.
In the future Supporting Growth will be acquiring properties between Albany and Orewa under the Public Works Act to facilitate these transport projects.
As a first step, in November 2023 Supporting Growth lodged Notices of Requirement with Auckland Council under the Resource Management Act seeking designations to protect the land required for the transport projects. In the period to 14 December 2023 the public may make submissions on the proposed designation. The Auckland Council will determine whether to designate the land.
The Resource Management Act process, and the planning and funding for the transport projects, is likely to take years if not decades. Where does that leave property owners whose land is required for the works?
Many owners face the reality that once the Notice of Requirement is lodged the value of their property decreases. There is also uncertainty in not knowing when their property will be acquired by Supporting Growth under the Public Works Act. Owners essentially have a choice:
You can wait for Supporting Growth to approach you to have your property acquired. This could be years or decades away.
You can take steps to have your property acquired early by Supporting Growth at full market value. This option is available any time after the Notice of Requirement is lodged, so you can start this process now.
Grimshaw & Co Lawyers is available to represent owners who wish to have their properties acquired early. We can guide you through the early acquisition process and provide peace of mind that everything is being done to produce the best possible outcome.