Bryan Easton


BA/LLB, LLM (Hons)
Admitted 2000


After graduating with a B.A/LL.B in 1999 Bryan studied part time and graduated LL.M(Hons) from the University of Auckland in 2007. His academic interests include agency law, directors’ duties and corporate governance and the law of restitution.

Bryan was admitted in May 2000. Since then he has been primarily involved in leaky building litigation in the High Court and the Weathertight Homes Tribunal. In addition to his experience in building disputes, he has advised clients on disputes concerning commercial and residential property and on a wide range of employment law issues. Bryan has also advised on and appeared as counsel in commercial disputes that have been resolved through arbitration and mediation.

Bryan’s experience includes two years spent in London working at leading law firms; Herbert Smith and Berwin Leighton Paisner.


David Powell